[Solved] Receive from non-chan type *bool

Those two lines in your main function shadow your global variable declaration:

optQuit := getopt.BoolLong("quit", 0, "Help")
optRun  := getopt.BoolLong("run", 'r', "Help")

If you only use them, to get a nice usage, why not create a usage function

If you insist on using getopt just to create a usage, do

_ = getopt.BoolLong("quit", 0, "Help")
_ = getopt.BoolLong("run", 'r', "Help")


You also need to call getopt.Parse() before using *optHelp.

The resulting message

Usage: test [-hr] [--quit] [parameters ...]
 -h, --help  Help
     --quit  Help
 -r, --run   Help

seems to be less than helpful. Why not just do

Usage: test
  This program will start a daemon service, which you can use like this ...


solved Receive from non-chan type *bool