You should be able to cast DBObject to one of it’s implementation (see all implementations here :, in this case BasicDBList, which extends ArrayList , so you can use all methods from arrayList there.
Mongo mongo = new Mongo("localhost", 27017);
DB db = mongo.getDB("test");// Use DB
DBObject allQuery = new BasicDBObject();
DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("dimensions");
DBCursor curs = collection.find();
Iterator<DBObject> fields = curs.iterator();
while(fields.hasNext()){ //
BasicDBList geoList = (BasicDBList)"GeoLevels");
BasicDBObject object = (BasicDBObject) geoList.get(0); // this should return {"5": "Continent_Name"}
Object value = object.get("5); // value should contain "Continent_Name"
I also suggest you to look at Spring-data mongodb which allows you to map object from MongoDB directly to POJOs so it is then much easier to work with:
solved Read data from mongodb using java [closed]