[Solved] Question: Is There A Way To Format White-space Like This In C#?

I personally love using Linq, also this works with any number of columns and will calculate the distance needed for each column.

void Main()
    string[][] StringArray = new string[][] {
    new [] {"Name:", "John", "Jones."},
    new [] {"Date of birth:", "Monday,", "07/11/1989."},
    new [] {"Age:", "29", "Years old."}};

    var lines = FormatWhiteSpace(StringArray, Padding: 2);

    foreach (var line in lines)

private IEnumerable<string> FormatWhiteSpace(string[][] StringArray, int Padding)
    var maxLengthDict = StringArray
        .Select(sa => sa.Select((s, i) => new { Column = i, MaxLength = s.Length }))        
        .SelectMany(x => x)
        .GroupBy(x => x.Column)
        .Select(x => new {Column = x.Key, MaxLength = x.Max(y => y.MaxLength)})
        .ToDictionary(x => x.Column, x => x.MaxLength);

    return StringArray
        .Select(sa => string.Concat(sa.Select((s, i) => s.PadRight(maxLengthDict[i] + Padding))));

solved Question: Is There A Way To Format White-space Like This In C#?