[Solved] Python time.sleep() being ignored in timer program

As others have commented the code as given in original question does correctly sleep in a properly configured environment, this answer addresses the logic issue in the time handling by using datetime. The timedelta from subtracting two datetimes does not provide hours and minutes so these are calculated from the seconds.

import time, datetime,math

d = datetime.timedelta(hours=1,minutes=2,seconds=10)
endtime = (datetime.datetime.now()+ d)

    print("Starting now.")
    while datetime.datetime.now().time() <endtime.time():
        td = endtime - datetime.datetime.now()
        print(str(math.floor(td.seconds / 3600)) + ":" +
              str(math.floor(td.seconds / 60) - math.floor(td.seconds / 3600)*60 ) + ":" +
              str(td.seconds - math.floor(td.seconds / 60)*60) ) 

You can also correct the logic in the original in the following manner

import time
hour, minute, second = 1, 2, 10

print("Starting now.")
x = 1
while x < 2:
    print(str(hour) + ":" + str(minute) + ":" + str(second)) 
    second = second - 1
    if second < 0:
        minute = minute - 1
        if minute >= -1:
            second = second + 60      
        if minute < 0:
            hour = hour - 1
            if hour >= 0:
                minute = minute + 60
    if hour <= 0 and minute <= 0 and second <= 0:
        x = x + 1

solved Python time.sleep() being ignored in timer program