[Solved] Python equivalence for this c++ program [closed]

In Python 2.7, you have:

line = raw_input("Please input a new line: ")

In Python 3.5+, you have:

line = input("Please input a new line: ")

Both raw_input and input return a string object.
You need to parse/scan line to retrieve your data.

MESSAGE = "Please input a new line: "

# I comprehend that `sentences` is a list of lines
sentences = []
longest = 0

line = input(MESSAGE)

while line:
    # Loop continues as long as `line` is available

    # Keep a track of all the lines
    # Get the length of this line
    length = len(line)

    if length > longest:
        longest = length

    for i in range(longest):
        for j in range(len(sentences) - 1, -1, -1):
            if len(sentences[j]) > i:

    line = input(MESSAGE)


solved Python equivalence for this c++ program [closed]