[Solved] Python – Do (something) when event is near [closed]

Try to loop until your check evaluates True:

import time
interval = 0.2  # nr of seconds
while True:
    stop_looping = myAlertCheck()
    if stop_looping:

The sleep gives you CPU time for other tasks.


Ok, I’m not sure what exactly your question is. First I thought you wanted to know how to let python ‘wait’ for an event. Now it seems you want to know how to compare event dates with the current date.
I think the following is a more complete approach. I think you can fill in the details yourself??

import time
from datetime import datetime

interval = 3  # nr of seconds    
events = {
    'Game Night': '14:00 2013-06-23',
    '3CB vs ST3 Match': '18:45 2013-07-02',
    'Website Maintainance': '13:00 2013-07-16', 

def myAlertCheck(events):
    for title, event_date in events.iteritems():
        ed = datetime.strptime(event_date, '%H:%M %Y-%m-%d')
        delta_s = (datetime.now() - ed).seconds
        if delta_s < (15 * 60):
            print 'within 15 minutes %s starts' % title
            return True

while True:
    stop_looping = myAlertCheck(events)
    if stop_looping:


solved Python – Do (something) when event is near [closed]