[Solved] Python – Comparing list of lists

You can try this out:

a = [[22,3,3], [5,3,7],[1,6,3]]

b = [[2,4,7], [6,4,8],[3,66,13]] , [[2,23,6], [5,13,7],[11,6,34]] , [[22,53,6], [54,3,7],[11,6,33]]

for i in range(len(a)):
    for j in range(len(a[i])):
        for x in range(len(b)):
            for y in range(len(b[x])):
                for z in range(len(b[y])):
                    if (a[i][j]==b[x][y][z]):

As it prints true or false it is going to give you a long output. You can modify it as per your needs, and it compares properly as you mentioned in your question.

solved Python – Comparing list of lists