[Solved] Program will not run completely through code (no errors) Python 2.7.15 [closed]

You coded your program a bit awkwardly. However, that aside, you can get your method to output by using the print statement as opposed to the return.

Otherwise, when you return something from a function you need to assign what is returned to some variable(s).

For example:

def getter():
     return "Hello, world" 

r = getter()

print r


Hello, world

So, return "Hello, world" will assign "Hello, world" to r. However, nothing will be shown in your terminal. In order for it to be shown in your terminal, you would have to use the print statement.

And just as a side note, it is best to paste your code in as opposed to attaching pictures.

solved Program will not run completely through code (no errors) Python 2.7.15 [closed]