[Solved] Profile popups in JavaScript or Jquery [closed]

Your question is a little vague, but for beginners in web design, you might want to use an iframe. It is a HTML tag that creates inline panel/window thing and is pretty easy to use. It looks something like this:

<iframe src="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18302230/profile.html" width="300" height="300">
<p>Text here will be displayed on a browser that doesn't support iframe</p>

I have not played around with them that much but you can probably pull off the showing the profile with a little bit of JQuery like this:

    $(".avatar").mouseenter(function(){ //The .avatar would be the element of the place where the person clicks on the profile or whatever.

Something like this should work. I’m not really sure what you were looking for but I hope this helped.

Useful Link


solved Profile popups in JavaScript or Jquery [closed]