[Solved] PLSQL: ORA-00933 why is INTO not working? [closed]

The INTO goes just after the SELECT part, before the FROM.

select e.editionid
into tagnow
from webtags w, edition e

Also, try to learn standard ANSI JOIN, instead of using this old Oracle way, and pay attention in using aliases in joiur join conditions.
You query would become:

SELECT e.editionid
  INTO tagnow
  FROM webtags w
  INNER JOIN edition e
  ON (w.editionid = e.editionid)
 WHERE e.editionid IN (... );

Another way, where aliases may be not strictly necessary ( but it is a good practice to use them however):

SELECT editionid
  INTO tagnow
  FROM webtags w
  INNER JOIN edition e
  USING (editionid)
 WHERE editionid IN (... );

Also, you do not need a double nested query; you may use:

SELECT editionid
FROM webtags
GROUP BY editionid, tag


solved PLSQL: ORA-00933 why is INTO not working? [closed]