[Solved] Please Help! I have to read numbers from a text file i create and find the average of these numbers and print it [closed]

I think the smallest set of changes that will make this work is:

class TemperatureFile:
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.__filename = filename

    def getFilename(self):
        return self._Filename

    def setFilename(self):
        self._filename = filename

    def calculateAverage(self):
          with open(self.__filename,'rb') as temperatureFile:
            total = 0
            temp = 0
            for line in temperatureFile:
                amount = float(line.rstrip("\n"))
                total += amount
                temp = temp + 1
            average = total/temp
        except ValueError as err:
        except IOError as err:
            average = total/temp

def main():
    num1 = 35
    num2 = 63
    num3 = 40
    total = 0.0
    temp = 0.0
    average = 0.0
    temperatureFile = open('Temperatures.txt', 'w')
    temperatureFile.write(str(num1) + '\n')
    temperatureFile.write(str(num2) + '\n')
    temperatureFile.write(str(num3) + '\n')
    Temperatures = TemperatureFile('Temperatures.txt')


calculateAverage is a member of the TemperatureFile class, so it needs to be called on an instance of this class (Temperatures, here). calculateAverage takes no arguments. The self argument is just an explicit version of the implicit this common in other languages. I moved the opening of the file into the calculateAverage function since otherwise the __filename attribute is pointless. I also had to add total and temp default definitions.

A more reasonable version [I think], though not strictly conforming to the requirements:

import traceback as tb

class TemperatureFile:
  def __init__(self, filename):
    self.filename = filename

  def calculateAverage(self):
      with open(self.filename,'rb') as temperatureFile:
        total = 0
        temp = 0
        for line in temperatureFile:
          total += float(line.rstrip("\n"))
          temp += 1

with open('Temperatures.txt','wb') as output:
  output.write(str(35) + '\n')
  output.write(str(63) + '\n')
  output.write(str(40) + '\n')


In Python, everything in the root of the file is evaluate/executed by default, so defining a main function seems a bit uncharacteristic. I also don’t think getters and setters are as common, though not unheard of, since Python is so dynamic anyway. A couple key takeaways: I would recommend using the traceback.print_exc() function to provide more detailed error messages, and be sure to use with when opening files to properly handle resource cleanup. Otherwise, I just got rid of some redundant variables that made things somewhat noisy.


solved Please Help! I have to read numbers from a text file i create and find the average of these numbers and print it [closed]