[Solved] PHP – Can’t understand this code. [closed]

If value of $vars['element']['#field_name'] is equal (note type juggling here) to 'field_resource_public_pdf' or $vars['element']['#field_name'] is equal (type juggling again) to "field_resource_pdf" string do the following:

Execute empty($vars['element']['#object']->field_disclaimer) (doc for this function) function, if it returns false, than assign value of $vars['element']['#object']->field_disclaimer[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] to $vars['items'][0]['#disclaimer'].
Otherwise (if [empty][2]($vars['element']['#object']->field_disclaimer)returns true, assign 0 to $vars['items'][0]['#disclaimer'] .

The code is pretty straightforward, but I’d note that function itself is written very poorly.


solved PHP – Can’t understand this code. [closed]