[Solved] Pandas Groupby with bin sum aggregation [closed]

You can define the bins and cuts as follows:

bins = [9 * i for i in range(0, df['age'].max() // 9 + 2)]
cuts = pd.cut(df['age'], bins, right=False)


0    [18, 27)
1    [18, 27)
2    [54, 63)
3    [27, 36)
4    [45, 54)
Name: age, dtype: category
Categories (7, interval[int64, left]): [[0, 9) < [9, 18) < [18, 27) < [27, 36) < [36, 45) < [45, 54) < [54, 63)]

Then, group by id and the cuts and sum awards for the cuts to get total_awards. Create age_interval by GroupBy.cumcount()

df_out = (df.groupby(['id', cuts])
            .agg(total_awards=('awards', 'sum'))
df_out['age_interval'] = df_out.groupby('id').cumcount()



    id  total_awards  age_interval
0    1             0             0
1    1             0             1
2    1           250             2
3    1             0             3
4    1             0             4
5    1             0             5
6    1            50             6
7    2             0             0
8    2             0             1
9    2             0             2
10   2           193             3
11   2             0             4
12   2           209             5
13   2             0             6

solved Pandas Groupby with bin sum aggregation [closed]