[Solved] Operators I didnot understand [closed]

<< >>

These are the shift operators. They shift the left operand by the number of bits given in the right operand. The direction of the shift depends on which of the two operators was used.


This is the bitwise exclusive OR operator. The result will have bits set where only one of the corresponding bits in both operands are set.


This is the bitwise AND operator. The result will have bits set where the corresponding bits in both operands are set.


This is the bitwise inclusive OR operator. The result will have bits set where at least one of the corresponding bits in both operands are set.


This is the bitwise NOT operator. It is the only unary operator of the ones you asked about (it has a single operand). The result is the one’s complement of its operand (each bit is flipped).


solved Operators I didnot understand [closed]