[Solved] One variable returns two seperate array

Since the two request aren’t linked in any way and are asynchronous, you have to group the data manually once both files have been read.

I usually use util.promisify() to turn fs.readFile() from accepting a callback into it returning a promise, so I can use Promise.all() to create the array once both files have been read:

var fs = require('fs');
var csv = require('csv');
var { promisify } = require( 'util' );

var readFile = promisify( fs.readFile );

        readFile( 'datafile1.csv' ),
        readFile( 'datafile2.csv' )
    .then( files => files.map( data => {
        var lines = data.trim().split('\n');
        var lastLine = lines.slice(-1)[0];
        var fields = lastLine.split(',');
        var humidity = fields.slice(-1)[0];
        var temperature = fields.slice(-2)[0];
        return parseFloat( temperature );
    //  Temperatures should equal [24.57083333333333, 20.57083333333333]
    .then( temperatures => console.log( temperatures ))
    .catch( error => {
        //  Handle error.
        console.error( error );


solved One variable returns two seperate array