[Solved] NumberFormatException – try/catch for parse value

You are catching InputMismatchException but typing a letter instead of a number raise a NumberFormatException.

You can use a generic catchexception:

try {
catch(Exception e){ //<-- Generic exception

Or use multiple catch block:

try {
catch(InputMismatchException | NumberFormatException e ){ //<-- Multiple exceptions

Updated to explain why InputMismatchException doesn’t work:

That’s true that this exception check if the value read by the Scanner match with the type you want. But in your code you use .nextLine() method which expect a ‘new line’.

These new line is a String and can be compound by letters, numbers… that’s why the exception is not raised. The type match with the scanner.

If you want to check using only this exception you can use this:

try {
} catch (InputMismatchException e) {


Using this, if you type a String the exception will be raised because your Scanner expects an int.


solved NumberFormatException – try/catch for parse value