[Solved] New to asp and don’t understand why my text boxes are not visible [closed]

Your stated goal is to link your web pages to your Access databases. This is possible, but you’ll need to do quite a bit of groundwork first. Yes, check out the Getting Started tutorials on asp.net, microsoftvirtualacademy.com, and so on.

However, you seem to be missing the basics. A HTML file is something that can be double-clicked on your desktop, and it will open up in a browser. An ASP.net page is designed to run on the server.

What this means is that when it’s requested from the server, a certain amount of processing is done first, and then the server will generate the HTML that gets sent to your browser. This gives the server the ability to query your Access database, receive input, process input, and generate HTML on demand.

On Windows, you’ll likely use something like IIS. If you download Visual Studio or WebMatrix, it will run a development server for you to test your code. When you’re ready to deploy, you’ll need a server (either locally, on your network, or from a third party hosting provider) for anyone to be able to see your pages.


solved New to asp and don’t understand why my text boxes are not visible [closed]