You need to first install the package with the command :
pip3 install numpy
on your shell (I assume you use Python 3).
After you need to write on the top your code :
import numpy
EDIT : With a quick search on Google, I found this :
class neuralNetwork:
# initialise the neural network:
def __init__(self, inputnodes, hiddennodes, outputnodes, learningrate):
#set number of nodes in each input, hidden, output layer:
self.inodes = inputnodes #why can't we immediately use the inputnodes?
self.hnodes = hiddennodes
self.onodes = outputnodes
#Setting the weights:
self.wih = np.random.normal(0.0, pow(self.hnodes, -0.5),(self.hnodes,self.inodes))
self.who = np.random.normal(0.0, pow(self.onodes, -0.5),(self.onodes, self.hnodes))
#learning rate: = learningrate
#activation function:
self.activation_function = lambda x: scipy.special.expit(x)
You should check Python tutorials first and be careful with indentation.
solved “name ‘self’ is not defined”