[Solved] MySQL Query for Date Part

This is essentially the same as Mosty’s answer but with the LEFT JOIN to retrieve events that occur only once. This will retrieve all events for today.

FROM `tblEvent`
LEFT JOIN `tblEventRecurring`
    ON `tblEvent`.`id` = `tblEventRecurring`.`event_id`
WHERE (`tblEvent`.`date` = CURRENT_DATE AND `tblEventRecurring`.`event_id` IS NULL)
OR (
    CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN `tblEvent`.`date` AND `tblEventRecurring`.`end_date`
    AND (
        (`tblEventRecurring`.`date_part` = 'D') OR
        (`tblEventRecurring`.`date_part` = 'W' AND DAYOFWEEK(`tblEvent`.`date`) = DAYOFWEEK(CURRENT_DATE)) OR
        (`tblEventRecurring`.`date_part` = 'M' AND DAYOFMONTH(`tblEvent`.`date`) = DAYOFMONTH(CURRENT_DATE))

I am not sure whether this is of any use to you but thought I would post it as I have done it now

FROM `date_list`
    SELECT `tblEvent`.`id`, `tblEvent`.`date`, `tblEvent`.`name`, `tblEventRecurring`.`date_part`, `tblEventRecurring`.`end_date`
    FROM `tblEvent`
    LEFT JOIN `tblEventRecurring`
        ON `tblEvent`.`id` = `tblEventRecurring`.`event_id`
) AS `events`
    ON (
        `events`.`date` = `date_list`.`date`
    OR (
        `date_list`.`date` BETWEEN `events`.`date` AND `events`.`end_date`
        AND (
            (`events`.`date_part` = 'D') OR
            (`events`.`date_part` = 'W' AND DAYOFWEEK(`events`.`date`) = DAYOFWEEK(`date_list`.`date`)) OR
            (`events`.`date_part` = 'M' AND DAYOFMONTH(`events`.`date`) = DAYOFMONTH(`date_list`.`date`))
WHERE `date_list`.`date` BETWEEN '2012-02-06' AND '2012-02-12'
ORDER BY `date_list`.`date`;

It assumes a date_list table consisting of a single date field containing a continuous list of dates.

solved MySQL Query for Date Part