[Solved] Mysql Query error in where clause on left join

I think there should be A.created_date instead of A.created_at

select `plans`.`name`, `A`.`subscription_id`, `A`.`amount`, 

`A`.`created_date`, `A`.`end_date`, 

`A`.`subscription_status`, `users`.`email`, `A`.`plan_id`, 

`A`.`user_id`, `usage`.`created_at` as `usagedate`, COUNT(usage.id) as 

used_count from `subscriptions`     A

left join `users` on `users`.`id` = `A`.`user_id` 

left join `plans` on `A`.`plan_id` = `plans`.`Id` 

left join `usage` on `A`.`user_id` = `usage`.`user_id` 


`usage`.`created_at` between A.created_date and A.end_date

group by 


solved Mysql Query error in where clause on left join