[Solved] MySQL and PHP Select Option with information from database

I’ll give you a short example.

Right now, you’r code will give you 1 option

<select name ="Employee Name" style="width: 160px" >
<option value ="">Please select ...</option></select>

Let’s take an array like:

$array = array('0' => 'test', '1' => 'test1');

To populate your array as options, you can simply do

foreach ($array as $a) {
<option value=""><?= $a ?></option>

which will give you all values from your array as an option.

You can now go and fill your array with data from your db by

$con = new mysqli('HOST', 'DB_USER' , 'DB_PASS' , 'DB');
$sql = "SELECT * FROM TABLE");
if ($result = $con->query($sql)) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$array = array('0' => $row['row1'], '1' => $row['row2']);

Now you have filled your array with the data from db and can populate this in your options as you want.


solved MySQL and PHP Select Option with information from database