You have 2 ways of having a function change data outside it: you can pass a variable by reference and update it, or you can return a value and use that. You are mixing half of each method instead. I reordered the code to make my commentary clearer.
#include <stdio.h>
int value(int *a);
// here you are passing by reference, good
int value(int *a){
int c = (*a)*10; // but you don't change a
return c; // instead you return a new value
int main(){
int num = 4;
value(&num); // but here you ignore the new value.
printf("value of number is = %d", num);
return 0;
to make reference way work, you need:
#include <stdio.h>
void value(int *a);
int main(){
int num = 4;
printf("value of number is = %d", num);
return 0;
void value(int *a){
*a = (*a)*10; // change the value that a points at
// no need to return anything
or to make the return way work:
#include <stdio.h>
// no need to pass by reference
int value(int a);
int main(){
int num = 4;
num = value(num); // use value return by function
printf("value of number is = %d", num);
return 0;
int value(int a){
int c = a * 10;
return c;
solved My program returns 4 instead of expected value 40 [closed]