[Solved] My code works for only one input. Please advice

Your problem is here:

for(int i =2;i<=n-1;i++)
        if(n%i != 0)
            sum = sum + i;

With break you are stopping the whole iteration of you for loop, meaning after the first number which is not a divisor, i.e. where n%i != 0 equals true you are breaking out of the loop and continue execution with if(sum == n). I guess you where mistaken that as you don’t want to add is which are not a divisor, you where too “eager” not to count them. I guess you mixed it up with continue which would had gone back to the for condition check and would have continued execution with i+1 if the condition is still true.

Still as you had packed the addition in an else branch, meaning the summation would either way only happen if and only the if before n%i != 0 would be false, meaning if its a divisor. Thats the reason you don’t need either continue, which would not do any big difference, nor break, which “breaks” you program in this case.


solved My code works for only one input. Please advice