[Solved] msyql database selection based on if else statement and php variables

When comparing values for logic operations, you must use >, <, ==, ===, !=, or !==. You are using a single equals sign, which is not for comparison but for assignment.

This is what you are doing

$item = 'b';          // a single equals sign assigns a value
if ($item = 'a') {    // so in this line, we are not comparing but assigning!
    echo 'Item is a'; // this line will always be reached
} else {
    echo 'Item is b'; // this line will NEVER be reached
echo 'Item = '.$item; // will ALWAYS read "Item = a"

This is what you meant to do

$item = 'b';           // a single equals sign assigns a value
if ($item == 'a') {    // double-equals compares value, with type juggling
    echo 'Item is a';  
} else {
    echo 'Item is b';  // now this line will be reached, because item != 'a'
echo 'Item = '.$item;  // will read "Item = b"

`==`  - value is equal, not necessarily the same type (1 == "1")
`!=`  - value is not equal, may or may not be the same type (2 != "3")
`===` - value is equal AND the same type (1 === 1)
`!==` - value is not the same type, or not the same value (2 !== "2")



solved msyql database selection based on if else statement and php variables