[Solved] Meaning of ‘{}+{}’ [duplicate]


The ‘{}+{}’ notation is a mathematical expression that is used to denote the sum of two numbers. It is a shorthand way of writing the addition of two numbers, and is commonly used in algebra and other mathematical equations. This notation is also used in programming languages such as C++ and Java, where it is used to denote the addition of two variables. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of ‘{}+{}’ and how it is used in mathematics and programming.


{}+{} is an empty expression and does not have any meaning.

I’ll break it down for you.

You have a string, ‘{}+{}c’.
In Tkinter, when searching for words, you usually find the position of the first letter, and the last letter. To find the position of the last letter of the word, you need to find the length of the word, and add that to the starting position.

For example, say you have the word ‘hello’. For simplicity, we’ll assume to the position of the first letter, ‘h’, is 1.0.

But we need to also know the position of the last letter, ‘o’.
To do this, we get the length of ‘hello’, which is 5 characters, and add it to the start position, which is 1.0.

1.0 + 5 characters (0.5) = 1.5

So, we now know the position of the last letter.
But how do we tell Tkinter this?
Well, we use ‘+xc’, where x is any number, and c means characters.
In the case of ‘hello’, ‘hello’ is 5 characters long, so we would write ‘+5c’

In your example, the code uses format(). Format is a way to easily use variables with strings.
Your code takes start_pos, the position of the first letter, and the length of the word, len(needle), and passes that into format().

This then replaces the first instance of ‘{}’ with start_pos, and the second instance with len(needle).
This is like writing start_pos + '+' + len(needle) + 'c'

solved Meaning of ‘{}+{}’ [duplicate]

The expression ‘{}+{}’ is a mathematical expression that is used to denote the addition of two numbers. It is a shorthand way of writing the addition of two numbers, and is commonly used in programming languages. For example, if you wanted to add the numbers 5 and 10, you could write ‘5+10’ or ‘{}+{}’. The two expressions are equivalent.

The expression ‘{}+{}’ is also used in mathematics to denote the union of two sets. For example, if you had two sets A and B, you could write ‘A∪B’ or ‘{}+{}’. Again, the two expressions are equivalent.

In summary, the expression ‘{}+{}’ is a shorthand way of writing the addition of two numbers or the union of two sets.