[Solved] Longest monotonic subsequence algorithm NOT longest increasing algorithm

try this one:

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;

public class Rozwiazanie {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
            String[] splittedLinia = br.readLine().split((char) 32 + "");//moglaby byc " " ale tak na wszelki wypadek nie ma chuja zeby sie popierdolilo teraz nawet na linuxie
            int aktualnyWyraz = Integer.parseInt(splittedLinia[0]);//uwaga jakby cos nie gralo w sprawdzarce zmien typ na long
            int poprzedniWyraz = 0; 

            long podsumaRosnaca = aktualnyWyraz;
            long podsumaSpadajaca = aktualnyWyraz;

            int dlugoscRosnaca = 1;
            int dlugoscSpadajaca = 1;

            int maxDlugosc = 1;
            long maxPodsuma = aktualnyWyraz;

            int czyRosnacy = 0; // 0 -- nie znane (jezeli w poczatku wszystkie liczby sa rowne), 1 -- rosnacy, -1 -- spadajacy
            boolean rowny = false;
            System.out.println("akt: " + aktualnyWyraz + " dlR: " + dlugoscRosnaca + " podsumaR: " + podsumaRosnaca + " dlP: " + dlugoscSpadajaca + " podsumaP: " + podsumaSpadajaca);

            for (int i = 1; i < splittedLinia.length; i++) {
                poprzedniWyraz = aktualnyWyraz;
                aktualnyWyraz = Integer.parseInt(splittedLinia[i]);
                if (aktualnyWyraz == poprzedniWyraz) {
                    podsumaRosnaca += aktualnyWyraz;
                    podsumaSpadajaca += aktualnyWyraz;
                    rowny = true;
                } else { // rozne liczby
                    if (aktualnyWyraz > poprzedniWyraz) { // rosnie
                        podsumaRosnaca += aktualnyWyraz;

                        if (rowny) {
                            dlugoscSpadajaca = 1;
                            podsumaSpadajaca = 0;
                            rowny = false;
                        if (czyRosnacy < 0) {
                            if (dlugoscSpadajaca > maxDlugosc) {
                                maxDlugosc = dlugoscSpadajaca;
                                maxPodsuma = podsumaSpadajaca;
                            podsumaSpadajaca = 0;
                            dlugoscSpadajaca = 1;
                        czyRosnacy = 1;   
                    } else { // spada
                        podsumaSpadajaca += aktualnyWyraz;

                        if (rowny) {
                            dlugoscRosnaca = 1;
                            podsumaRosnaca = 0;
                            rowny = false;
                        if (czyRosnacy == 1) {
                            if (dlugoscRosnaca > maxDlugosc) {
                                maxDlugosc = dlugoscRosnaca;
                                maxPodsuma = podsumaRosnaca;
                            podsumaRosnaca = 0;
                            dlugoscRosnaca = 1;
                        czyRosnacy = -1;

                System.out.println("akt: " + aktualnyWyraz + " dlR: " + dlugoscRosnaca + " podsumaR: " + podsumaRosnaca + " dlP: " + dlugoscSpadajaca + " podsumaP: " + podsumaSpadajaca);

            System.out.println("maxDlugosc " + maxDlugosc + " maxPodsuma " + maxPodsuma);
        } catch (Exception e) {

what I had to change:

  • you need a counter [dlugosc] (+ sum [podsuma]) for ascending
    [rosnacy] and descending [spadajacy] values, as you need to count
    both when the values are the same [rowny].
  • I changed boolean “rowny”
    [equal] to int, as I thought that there are 3 values possible:
    ascending, descending or unknown. If there are several equal values
    at the beginning, there’s all the time “unknown”.
  • this program needs at least one number, but therefore you don’t need to check in every
    iteration of the loop whether i == 0 or not.
  • Going through the
    numbers, I have to check several things, most important is, whether
    the actual value [aktualnyWyraz] and the last used value
    [poprzedniWyraz] are the same (then all counters and sums have to be
    changed) or different. Different can mean ascending or descending, so
    we have to increment the related counters and sum up the related sum.
    What happens the “opposite” variables? Well, we need to check whether
    the counter is bigger then the maximum one (so maybe these values are
    useful for the result) and then set them back to their start.

solved Longest monotonic subsequence algorithm NOT longest increasing algorithm