[Solved] logic required in javascript

Your select tag should be

<select name="amt" id="amt" onchange="return totprice(this.value,2,110);" multiple>

To make it multi select. Now when user will select multiple options (using Shift+click) then in your JavaScript function get these values and do the processing (provide discount/ any logic)

You wish to multiply the value the user has selected with the discount amount (110)
In your JS have this

var x = parseInt(f)*parseInt(amt);

If f = 2 and amt = 110 then x = 220. You need to do parseInt(value, radix) by default radix is 10


var optionSelected = document.getElementById('amt').value;  //optionSelected is nothing but this.value
if(optionSelected > 1)
 //Offer discount
 var x = parseInt(f)*parseInt(amt);  //where f and amt is passed through function call
 // Do nothing/ other logic

Hope this helps!!


solved logic required in javascript