[Solved] List Document Files in IOS [closed]

1) Apple prefers that downloaded data be stored in the app’s Caches directory since the data can be replaced if it is deleted.

2) Yes, if a user deletes an app, all data stored in the app’s sandbox will be deleted. What would you expect to happen?

3) Use NSCachesDirectory.

4) /Users is not a valid path in an app’s sandbox. You may see such a path when running in the simulator but not on a real device.

Apple’s docs talks all about the iOS file system and the structure of the app’s sandbox. You really should start by reading those docs.

BTW – every one of these answers can be found with a few minutes using Google or searching this site. That is why you are getting all of the down votes. Please put some effort into finding your own answers before posting questions. Please read the (whole) FAQ.


solved List Document Files in IOS [closed]