[Solved] Limiting remainder in php


This article will discuss how to limit the remainder in PHP. The remainder is the amount left over after a division operation. It is important to limit the remainder in certain situations, such as when dealing with money or when dealing with a specific number of items. This article will explain how to limit the remainder in PHP using the modulus operator. It will also provide examples of how to use the modulus operator to limit the remainder.


0) {
$number += ($limit – $remainder);
return $number;

// Test
echo limitRemainder(17, 5); // Outputs 20
echo limitRemainder(20, 5); // Outputs 20

A billion ways to do this. The task for you here is to pick one.

Method 1 – round()

This will just round your number. The exact rules can be found in the PHP.net documentation.

round($someNumber, 2);

Method 2 – floor()

Floor will round the number down

floor($someNumber, 2);

Method 3 – ceil()

Opposite to floor() this will round your number upwards.

ceil($someNumber, 2);

Method 4 – number_format()

This will format any number. number_format() has a gazillion possible inputs in which you can choose decimal characters etc.

// Will round your number to 2 decimals with a . as decimal character
number_format($someNumber, 2, ",", ".");

Feel free to edit and add more options ?

solved Limiting remainder in php

If you are looking for a way to limit the remainder in PHP, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss how to limit the remainder in PHP using the modulus operator. We will also discuss some examples to help you understand the concept better.

The modulus operator is used to find the remainder of a division operation. It is represented by the percentage sign (%). To find the remainder of a division operation, you need to divide the dividend by the divisor and then take the remainder. For example, if you divide 10 by 3, the remainder will be 1.

To limit the remainder in PHP, you can use the modulus operator. For example, if you want to limit the remainder to 0, you can use the following code:

$remainder = $dividend % $divisor;
if ($remainder > 0) {
    $remainder = 0;

In the above code, we are using the modulus operator to find the remainder of the division operation. If the remainder is greater than 0, we are setting it to 0. This will limit the remainder to 0.

You can also use the modulus operator to limit the remainder to a specific value. For example, if you want to limit the remainder to 5, you can use the following code:

$remainder = $dividend % $divisor;
if ($remainder > 5) {
    $remainder = 5;

In the above code, we are using the modulus operator to find the remainder of the division operation. If the remainder is greater than 5, we are setting it to 5. This will limit the remainder to 5.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to limit the remainder in PHP using the modulus operator. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.