[Solved] LIKE clause issue in c# but works in SQL Server Express

I edited my answer as it didn’t provide enough clarity as pointed out by a moderator as the source link I mentioned could run the risk of being deleted. If you need further clarity, the link will be in this explanation. Ok the a work around was using the guide of this user from here
What was done by the author was that of overriding the default combobox setting in winforms. I just found a way to tie it into my code and got it up and running. Hopefully this is of help to someone in the future. I will outline how it works

suggestComboBox.DataSource = new List<person>();
suggestComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name";

// then you have to set the PropertySelector like this:
suggestComboBox.PropertySelector = collection => collection.Cast<person>      
().Select(p => p.Name);

// the class Person looks something like this:
class Person
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
  public int Height { get; set; }

And this is the Custom comboBox implementation:

public class SuggestComboBox : ComboBox
  #region fields and properties

private readonly ListBox _suggLb = new ListBox { Visible = false, TabStop = false };
private readonly BindingList<string> _suggBindingList = new BindingList<string>();
private Expression<Func<ObjectCollection, IEnumerable<string>>> _propertySelector;
private Func<ObjectCollection, IEnumerable<string>> _propertySelectorCompiled;
private Expression<Func<string, string, bool>> _filterRule;
private Func<string, bool> _filterRuleCompiled;
private Expression<Func<string, string>> _suggestListOrderRule;
private Func<string, string> _suggestListOrderRuleCompiled;

public int SuggestBoxHeight
    get { return _suggLb.Height; }
    set { if (value > 0) _suggLb.Height = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If the item-type of the ComboBox is not string,
/// you can set here which property should be used
/// </summary>
public Expression<Func<ObjectCollection, IEnumerable<string>>> PropertySelector
    get { return _propertySelector; }
    if (value == null) return;
    _propertySelector = value;
    _propertySelectorCompiled = value.Compile();

/// Lambda-Expression to determine the suggested items
/// (as Expression here because simple lamda (func) is not serializable)
/// <para>default: case-insensitive contains search</para>
/// <para>1st string: list item</para>
/// <para>2nd string: typed text</para>
public Expression<Func<string, string, bool>> FilterRule
    get { return _filterRule; }
        if (value == null) return;
        _filterRule = value;
        _filterRuleCompiled = item => value.Compile()(item, Text);

/// Lambda-Expression to order the suggested items
/// (as Expression here because simple lamda (func) is not serializable)
/// <para>default: alphabetic ordering</para>
public Expression<Func<string, string>> SuggestListOrderRule
    get { return _suggestListOrderRule; }
        if (value == null) return;
        _suggestListOrderRule = value;
        _suggestListOrderRuleCompiled = value.Compile();


/// <summary>
/// ctor
/// </summary>
public SuggestComboBox()
    // set the standard rules:
    _filterRuleCompiled = s => s.ToLower().Contains(Text.Trim().ToLower());
    _suggestListOrderRuleCompiled = s => s;
    _propertySelectorCompiled = collection => collection.Cast<string>();

    _suggLb.DataSource = _suggBindingList;
    _suggLb.Click += SuggLbOnClick;

    ParentChanged += OnParentChanged;

/// <summary>
/// the magic happens here ;-)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)

    if (!Focused) return;

    _suggBindingList.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
    _suggBindingList.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;

    _suggLb.Visible = _suggBindingList.Any(); 

    if (_suggBindingList.Count == 1 &&  
                _suggBindingList.Single().Length == Text.Trim().Length)
        Text = _suggBindingList.Single();
        Select(0, Text.Length);
        _suggLb.Visible = false;

/// <summary>
/// suggest-ListBox is added to parent control
/// (in ctor parent isn't already assigned)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void OnParentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Parent.Controls.SetChildIndex(_suggLb, 0);
    _suggLb.Top = Top + Height - 3;
    _suggLb.Left = Left + 3;
    _suggLb.Width = Width - 20;
    _suggLb.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 9);

protected override void OnLostFocus(EventArgs e)
    // _suggLb can only getting focused by clicking (because TabStop is off)
    // --> click-eventhandler 'SuggLbOnClick' is called
    if (!_suggLb.Focused)
protected override void OnLocationChanged(EventArgs e)
_suggLb.Top = Top + Height - 3;
_suggLb.Left = Left + 3;
protected override void OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)
_suggLb.Width = Width - 20;

private void SuggLbOnClick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
    Text = _suggLb.Text;

private void HideSuggBox()
    _suggLb.Visible = false;

protected override void OnDropDown(EventArgs e)

#region keystroke events

/// <summary>
/// if the suggest-ListBox is visible some keystrokes
/// should behave in a custom way
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected override void OnPreviewKeyDown(PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e)
    if (!_suggLb.Visible)

    switch (e.KeyCode)
        case Keys.Down:
            if (_suggLb.SelectedIndex < _suggBindingList.Count - 1)
        case Keys.Up:
            if (_suggLb.SelectedIndex > 0)
        case Keys.Enter:
            Text = _suggLb.Text;
        Select(0, Text.Length);
        _suggLb.Visible = false;
        case Keys.Escape:


private static readonly Keys[] KeysToHandle  = new[] 
            { Keys.Down, Keys.Up, Keys.Enter, Keys.Escape };
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
    // the keysstrokes of our interest should not be processed be base class:
    if (_suggLb.Visible && KeysToHandle.Contains(keyData))
        return true;
    return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);




solved LIKE clause issue in c# but works in SQL Server Express