[Solved] json.Unmarshal interface pointer with later type assertion

An empty interface isn’t an actual type, it’s basically something that matches anything. As stated in the comments, a pointer to an empty interface doesn’t really make sense as a pointer already matches an empty interface since everything matches an empty interface. To make your code work, you should remove the interface wrapper around your struct, since that’s just messing up the json type checking, and the whole point of an empty interface is that you can pass anything to it.

package main

import (

type myStruct struct {
    A string `json:"a"`
    B string `json:"b"`

func main() {
    jsonBlob := []byte(`{"a":"test","b":"test2"}`)

    var foo = &myStruct{} // This need to be a pointer so its attributes can be assigned
    closer := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(jsonBlob))

    err := unmarshalCloser(closer, foo)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%v", foo))

    // That´s what i want:

// You don't need to declare either of these arguments as pointers since they're both interfaces
func unmarshalCloser(closer io.ReadCloser, v interface{}) error {
    defer closer.Close()
    // v NEEDS to be a pointer or the json stuff will barf

    // Simplified with the decoder
    return json.NewDecoder(closer).Decode(v)


solved json.Unmarshal interface pointer with later type assertion