[Solved] Java File.renamTo not working

first of all, you should use the path separator / . It’s work on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
This is my version of your problem to rename all files into a folder provide. Hope this will help you. I use last JDK version to speed up and reduce the code.

public class App {

    private String path = null;
    public static int index = 1;

    public App(String path){
        if (Files.isDirectory(Paths.get( path ))) {
            this.path = path;

    public void rename() throws IOException{
        if ( this.path != null){
            Files.list(Paths.get( this.path ))
            .forEach( f -> 
                String fileName = f.getFileName().toString();
                String extension = fileName.replaceAll("^.*\\.([^.]+)$", "$1");             

                try {
                    Files.move( f ,Paths.get( this.path + "https://stackoverflow.com/" +   App.index + "." + extension));
                } catch (IOException e) {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        App app = new App("c:/Temp/");

solved Java File.renamTo not working