[Solved] Is this structure of the code is correct? [closed]

NO it’s not!

While skimming through I noticed several problems.

I noticed you have css linked via a link element

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36872408/templates/style2.css"/>

Which is good, but after your closing html tag you have css down there. Don’t do that!

Also it’s bad practice to have an element with nothing inside it, which you did with 3 elements.


Values of 0 shouldn’t have units specified. So this…


should be…


I assume you’re new to coding, or at least new to this language. I suggest starting off using a coding playground that has syntax validation build in to start off with. My project kodeWeave would be a good one to start off with. There’s also Codepen which is like Github for web designers and developers.


solved Is this structure of the code is correct? [closed]