[Solved] Is there any way we can execute a multiple commands in exec.Command?

Since you have used sh -c, the next parameter should be the full command or commands:

SystemdockerCommand := exec.Command("sh", "-c", "docker exec 9aa1124 gluster peer detach force")

More generally, as in here:

cmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", "command1 param1; command2 param2; command3; ...")
err := cmd.Run()       

See this example:

sh := os.Getenv("SHELL") //fetch default shell
//execute the needed command with `-c` flag
cmd := exec.Command(sh, "-c ", `docker exec 9aa1124 ...`)

Or this one, putting your commands in a string first:

cmd := "cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '^model name' | uniq | awk '{print substr($0, index($0,$4))}'"
out, err := exec.Command("bash","-c",cmd).Output()
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Failed to execute command: %s", cmd)


solved Is there any way we can execute a multiple commands in exec.Command?