[Solved] Is it Possible ? To check student information by Roll no: using simple webpage in html + javascript

Take this:

var studentArray = [{rollno:'rollno1', fname:'fname1', marks:'marks1', institute:'institute1', percentage: 'percentage1'},{rollno:'rollno2', fname:'fname2', marks:'marks2', institute:'institute2', percentage: 'percentage2'}];

document.getElementById("search").addEventListener('click', function() {
    var roll = document.getElementById("roll").value;
    var student, info;
    for (i = 0; i < studentArray.length; i++) {
        student = studentArray[i];
        if (student.rollno == roll) {
            info = "First Name: " + student.fname + "<br />";
            info += "Marks Obtained: " + student.marks + "<br />";
            info += "Institute: " + student.institute+ "<br />";
            info += "Percentage: " + student.percentage + "<br />";
            document.getElementById("stuInfo").innerHTML = info;
<input id="roll" />
<button id="search">Search</button>
<p id="stuInfo"></p>


solved Is it Possible ? To check student information by Roll no: using simple webpage in html + javascript