[Solved] is a mathematical operator classed as an interger in python

You can’t just concatenate an operator to a couple of numbers and expect it to be evaluated. You could use eval to evaluate the final string.

answer = eval(str(randomnumberforq)
              + operator[randomoperator] 
              + str(randomnumberforq))

A better way to accomplish what you’re attempting is to use the functions found in the operator module. By assigning the functions to a list, you can choose which one to call randomly:

import random
from operator import mul, add, sub    

if __name__ == '__main__':
    score = 0
    randomnumberforq = random.randint(1,10)
    randomoperator = random.randint(0,2)
    operator = [[mul, ' * '],
                [add, ' + '], 
                [sub, ' - ']]
    answer = operator[randomoperator][0](randomnumberforq, randomnumberforq)
    useranswer = input(str(randomnumberforq) 
                       + operator[randomoperator][1] 
                       + str(randomnumberforq) + ' = ')
    if answer == useranswer:

solved is a mathematical operator classed as an interger in python