[Solved] iphone 5 will I have to make two xibs [duplicate]

If you want to support iOS 4.3 or 5 then turn off the Autolayout.Then you have to set the UIViewAutoresizing correctly either in code or interface builder.

With the autoresizingMask on UIView you can make the view stick to aside and grow with the size of the superview.

Another way is

you can to design separate views for iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S. Check screensize and load views accordingly, as in the case of universal apps.

if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height == 568)
     //this is iphone 5 xib or retina display 4.0
else {
//do something for retina display 3.5

solved iphone 5 will I have to make two xibs [duplicate]