[Solved] In GAE, What is high replication datastore? [closed]

You can have a look at: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2011/01/announcing-high-replication-datastore.html

The High Replication Datastore provides the highest level of
availability for your reads and writes, at the cost of increased
latency for writes and changes in consistency guarantees in the API.
The High Replication Datastore increases the number of data centers
that maintain replicas of your data by using the Paxos algorithm to
synchronize that data across datacenters in real time. One of the most
significant benefits is that all functionality of your application
will remain fully available during planned maintenance periods, as
well as during most unplanned infrastructure issues.

Hope this helps.


solved In GAE, What is high replication datastore? [closed]