[Solved] IE does not support the spread operator (…) how to fix this issue

The modified answer address two issues with IE.

  1. IE does not support arrow functions
  2. IE does not support the spread operator

So the logic is pretty simple. If the make key is not in the result, put a new empty array in the result for the key. And then just push the value to it.

var cars = [{
    make: "audi",
    model: "r8",
    year: "2012"
    make: "audi",
    model: "rs5",
    year: "2013"
    make: "ford",
    model: "mustang",
    year: "2012"
    make: "ford",
    model: "fusion",
    year: "2015"
    make: "kia",
    model: "optima",
    year: "2012"
var group = cars.reduce(function(r, a) {
  r[a.make] = (r[a.make] || []);
  return r;
}, {});



solved IE does not support the spread operator (…) how to fix this issue