[Solved] I want to Thread and Form work together [closed]

Button1Click is stopping the execution of the main thread for 3 seconds.

During the sleep(3000) execution, no GDI message is processed, so the dialog boxes are NOT displayed immediately.

In fact, TCustomThread.doProc works as expected, but the dialog box is not displayed until the GDI messages are processed.

You have to change this method e.g. into:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  thrd : TCustomThread;
  expectedEnd: TDateTime;
  thrd := TCustomThread.Create(True);
  expectedEnd := Now+(1/24/60/60*3); 
    Sleep(50); // or any long process
    Application.ProcessMessages; // to be called to process the GDI messages
  until Now>=expectedEnd;

In short: never use Sleep() in the main GDI thread, for extended period of time (more than some ms), otherwise your application won’t be responsive any more. And Windows will complain for it and ask you to kill the application!

So in your case, you have to call Application.ProcessMessages in your main thread when a long process is taken place (e.g. a TQuery), or run the query in a background thread (this is IMHO the preferred method), as we do e.g. for our Open Source mORMot framework on client side.


solved I want to Thread and Form work together [closed]