[Solved] I want to switch over to Java, but have 0% of an idea [closed]

You could also use the Chocolatey package manager (https://chocolatey.org/install) to install OpenJDK (which is nice as the package manager is a central place to handle updates and you don’t have to deal with installers).

Java 11 is a good choice for now as it is a so-called LTS version, which means you are not forced to switch to a new version too quickly.

If you’re aiming to develop web apps or APIs, Spring (https://spring.io – with Spring Boot being the starting point for most of us) might be interesting for you.

In the Java world, dependency management is mostly handled with Maven or Gradle, with the latter being newer, sometimes faster and having a few nice features.

In terms of IDEs: IntelliJ is very hyped right now and is super convenient and powerful. But Eclipse is also working fine. Even Visual Studio Code might be enough for you, it just lacks some of the nicer Java-specific features.

It maybe is an overkill to mention here, but I really came to love Lombok (https://projectlombok.org), which auto-generates simple getters and setters for me and keeps my code as brief as possible. Definitely worth having a look at.

solved I want to switch over to Java, but have 0% of an idea [closed]