[Solved] I need to make a time based scoreboard work better [closed]

Here’s something:

import turtle

delay = 0.1 # For the mainloop
count = 0 # To track when a second past
score = 0 # The score count

pen = turtle.Turtle(visible=False) # The turtle which will write the score
pen.write('Score: {}'.format(score),align='center',font=('Arial',10,'bold'))

while True: # Main game loop
    time.sleep(delay) # 1 frame per 0.1 second

    count += 1

    if count == 10: # When count is 10, that means 10*0.1 seconds have past
        score += 100
        pen.write('Score: {}'.format(score),align='center',font=('Arial',10,'bold'))
        count = 0 # Set count to zero to start tracking the second again


solved I need to make a time based scoreboard work better [closed]