try this correction to your program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NB_MESURES 50
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int i=0;
float measure[NB_MESURES] /* NB_MESURES is predefined to be 50*/
char sex=0;
char yn=0;
while(1){ /*endless loop (1)*/
printf("Persoa %d",i);
printf("\nIndique se é home (H) ou muller (M): ");
while(1) /*endless loop (level 2)*/
scanf(" %c",&sex);
if((sex == 'M') || (sex == 'H')) break; /*Upper case*/
if((sex == 'm') || (sex == 'h')) break; /*Lower case*/
/* ok exit loop (level 2)
else show the help message */
printf("Lo ha escrito mal.");
printf("\nIndique se é home (H) ou muller (M): ");
printf("Indique a súa measure (en metros): ");
we can not add more than 50 elements
exiting loop (1)
printf("\nMax Allowed entries is %d\n",NB_MESURES);
printf("\nDesea seguir? (Y/N): ");
while(1) /* loop (level 2) */
scanf(" %c",&yn);
if((yn == 'Y') || (yn == 'N')) break;
if((yn == 'y') || (yn == 'n')) break;
/* if the input was different than ['Y','y','N','n']
show newt message else we break and use yn in the next check to exit loop (level 1)
printf("Lo ha escrito mal.");
printf("\nDesea seguir? (Y/N): ");
if((yn == 'N') || (yn == 'n')) break; /*Exit level 1*/
printf("\nA media de measures é: %f m.\n",average);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
solved I don’t find the error