[Solved] How we get user facebook album pictures, This api is not working [closed]

Try this:

FB.api("/839506469483059/photos", ...

Put a console.log(response) in the callback to see any error or data. You will get an array of pictures, so “response.picture” is definitely wrong.

The ID does not seem to be public, i assume it´s the album of a user profile. In that case, you need to authorize that user with the user_photos permission first.

Here´s an example: http://www.devils-heaven.com/facebook-javascript-sdk-login/

Edit: Since the ID seems to be a user ID, you should add some fields to get more data, and you should not use the ID but “me”:

FB.api('/me/photos', {fields: 'picture'}, ...

Make sure you authorize with user_photos, or you will get an empty array.


solved How we get user facebook album pictures, This api is not working [closed]