[Solved] How to work on TFDTable(FireDAC) in Delphi XE7?

Well you need to read up on FireDAC generally if you are completely unfamiliar with it, and look at the examples that come with recent versions of Delphi.

But if you just want to know how to copy data from a FireDAC dataset that’s connected to a database to an in-memory table, you can do it very simply, like this:

procedure TForm1.btnCopyToMemTableClick(Sender: TObject);
  FDMemTable1.Data := FDQuery1.Data;
  FDQuery1.Close;  //  don't need it open any more

Here, FDQuery1 is a TFDQuery, which is similar to a TQuery, in that it has a SQL TStrings property to allow you to specify what Sql query to execute to retrieve the data.


solved How to work on TFDTable(FireDAC) in Delphi XE7?