[Solved] How to split string if fist come UNION then split by UNION , If come EXCEPT then split by EXCEPT and so on

 string input = "SASASA EXCEPT ASASA UNION"; // test input here is your input string which is a sql query

            int UnionIndex = input.IndexOf("UNION");

            int ExceptIndex = input.IndexOf("EXCEPT");

            List<string> SplitArray = new List<string>();  // here is the list with the sub strings

            if (UnionIndex < ExceptIndex)
                SplitArray = input.Split(new[] { "UNION" },
            else if (ExceptIndex < UnionIndex)
                SplitArray= input.Split(new[] { "EXCEPT" },

solved How to split string if fist come UNION then split by UNION , If come EXCEPT then split by EXCEPT and so on