[Solved] How To show Data in Table with the help of SegmentViewControl in Xcode [closed]

A UISegmentedControl is just a combination of multiple buttons. Here is what you have to do (considering you want to load some data in a table when a specific index on the control is selected)

  • Create a UISegmentedControl in your class (programmatically or using xib).
  • Link it with a selector in the class (a function).
  • Reload your table in the function (tableView reloadData)
  • If you want different data for different segments, check the selectedSegmentIndex value and load different data in your cellForRowAtIndexpath.
    For further reading
  • Class Reference
  • UISegmentedControl Tutorial

Hope this helps.


solved How To show Data in Table with the help of SegmentViewControl in Xcode [closed]