[Solved] How to separate the output of register into dict

I create the dict vmoff2 using the following:

   - name: create Not Activated VM list
        vmoff: >-
          {{ vmoff | default([])
          + [{
              'sec_sys': item.item.SEC_SYS,
              'vm_na': dict(item.stdout_lines
                | from_yaml
                | select()
                | map('split', ',')
                | list)
      loop: "{{ output.results }}"
        label: "{{ item.item.SEC_SYS }}"

And eliminate the duplicate output with:

    - name: eliminate duplicate
        vmoff2: "{{ vmoff2 | default([]) + [{'sec_sys': item.1.0.sec_sys, 'vm_na': item.1.0.vm_na }] }}"
      loop: "{{ vmoff|groupby('sec_sys') }}"

Finally i have the following dict:

    "vmoff2": [
            "sec_sys": "CONT1",
            "vm_na": {
                "vm1": "Running",
                "vm2": "Running",
                "vm3": "Not Activated",
                "vm4": "Not Activated",
                "vm5": "Running",
                "vm6": "Not Activated"
            "sec_sys": "CONT2",
            "vm_na": {
                "vm1": "Not Activated",
                "vm2": "Not Activated",
                "vm3": "Running",
                "vm4": "Running",
                "vm5": "Not Activated",
                "vm6": "Running"
    "vmprof2": [
            "proc": {
                "vm1": "0.5",
                "vm2": "0.7",
                "vm3": "1.0",
                "vm4": "0.5",
                "vm5": "0.5",
                "vm6": "0.5"
            "sec_sys": "CONT1"
            "proc": {
                "vm1": "1.0",
                "vm2": "0.7",
                "vm3": "1.0",
                "vm4": "0.7",
                "vm5": "0.5",
                "vm6": "0.7"
            "sec_sys": "CONT2"

I want to sum the proc of the Not activated VM, and have the following output:

     - server: CONT1
       proc: 1.7
     - server: CONT2
       proc: 2.4

I tried the following:

  - name: create proc_steal list
        proc_steal: >-
          {{ proc_steal | default([])
          + [{
              'sec_sys': item.sec_sys,
              'proc': vmprof2
                | selectattr('sec_sys', '==', item.sec_sys)
                | selectattr('proc', '==', item.vm_na)
                | sum(attribute="value")
                | float
      loop: "{{ vmoff2 }}"
        label: "{{ item.sec_sys }}"

but i get:

    "proc_steal": [
            "proc": 0.0,
            "sec_sys": "CONT1"
            "proc": 0.0,
            "sec_sys": "CONT2"

Is not making the sum, maybe because is not float, but when i tried to put float i have an error, any guess?

solved How to separate the output of register into dict