[Solved] How to search a given word in word file by C# [closed]

If you are using the Aspose library as stated in your comment you can achieve this through a customised implementation of the IReplacingCallback interface.

bool IsContain(string word, string filePath)
    Document doc = new Document(filePath);

    OccurrencesCounter counter = new OccurrencesCounter();

    doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(word), counter, false);

    return counter.Occurrences > 0;


private class OccurrencesCounter : IReplacingCallback
    public ReplaceAction Replacing(ReplacingArgs args)

        return ReplaceAction.Skip;

    public int Occurrences
        get { return mOccurrences; }

    private int mOccurrences;



solved How to search a given word in word file by C# [closed]